
Welcome to Marshallese Manit

What is it? Manit means ‘culture’ in Marshallese and Marshallese Manit is a newsletter about Marshallese culture / life that we email to subscribers every other weekend.  The goal is to have short essays that can be read in a few minutes and serve as a discussion topic for you and your family for the week ahead.  This project was started September 2017, but unfortunately was put on hold over COVID. Our goal is to have 100+ essays eventually and repeat essays every 2 years.

We are not Marshallese, but have adopted Marshallese children. We are not experts about the Marshall Islands, but function as organizers of this newsletter. We have found it difficult to get reliable printed information for Manit. Unfortunately, we have often resorted to getting information from the internet and often this can have misinformation. Please email us if you identify any errors in the newsletter.

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Audience:  The primary audience are those families that have adopted Marshallese children (both internationally or domestically); however, it is open to all including extended family members, friends, teachers or anyone else that has an interest about the Marshall Islands. 

Examples of topics:  Geography of Marshall Islands, significance of the Marshallese flag and emblem, geology of atolls, outrigger canoes, story of the first coconut (Tobolar), story of the Jobwa dance, natural history of coconut and breadfruit trees, history or Marshall Islands,  significance of Kemens & funerals, nuclear testing at Bikini atoll, effects of climate change on Marshall Islands, etc. 

Collective effort:  Our goal is to make this a collective group effort.  We are looking for volunteers to contribute essays or provide constructive feedback on past essays.  If you are interested in being involved in this capacity please email us at the contact information listed below.

Unsubscribe:  If this project does not meet your expectations you can unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

If there is anyone else you know that might be interested please forward this message / website address on to them.

Kommol tata,

The Manit Editors

To contact us: editors@marshallese-manit.org

**Marshallese Manit is not associated with any other organizations and is completely voluntary and does not collect any form of money.

Our Privacy Policy: Check out our privacy policy.